Yong Quan NeoPresident
Third Year
Electrical Engineering w/ depth in Computer System Design
Fun fact: I used to play archery for my state
Praneeth SurapaneniVP Internal
Third Year
Computer Engineering
Fun fact: I play badminton
Iris ChouAcademic & Professional Chair
Second Year
Computer Engineering
Fun fact: I'm not a fan of cilantro
Alexandra DinhSocial & WECE Chair
Second Year
Electrical Engineering
Fun fact: I do kpop dance covers
Jaden SeangmanyWebmaster
Second Year
Computer Engineering w/ depth in Machine Learning and Data ScienceCognitive Science, Math
Fun fact: I've traveled to 17 countries and 4 continents
Steven ChenMentorship Chair
Third Year
Electrical Engineering
Fun fact: I’ve dislocated both my thumbs and both my knees before.